
Showing posts from July, 2022

NRF 51822 BLE module sensor with Arduino IDE

Radioland  BLE beacon module datasheet: can be reprogrammed with Arduino IDE and ST Link V2  to special remote button  application. SWDIO     ->   SWDIO SWCLK     ->   SWCLK 3.3V            ->   BAT+ GND          ->   BAT- 3D printed cover for BLE module:   Arduino IDE libraries for NRF51822  and instructions can be found from: Nrf51822 Bluetooth low energy stack (Softdevice)  version S130 is required to download and flash to device  before BLE application software can be programmed : Selecting a SoftDevice SoftDevices contain the BLE stack and housekeeping, and must be downloaded once before a sketch using BLE can be loaded. The SD consumes ~5k of Ram + some extra based on actual BLE configuration...