Sunday, 6 October 2019

Digital Oscilloscope Demo

Low cost digital scope demo

What is needed for 200 ksamples/s low cost digital oscilloscope?
- STM8S103  8 bit microcontroller board
- JDY-08 or HM-10 Bluetooth Low Energy module

  BLE module JDY-08 baud rate configured from 115200 to 9600 baud with  AT+BOUD4
and connect  UART interface to  STM8S103 module D5 , D6 pins. Also connect 3V3 and GND pins.  Pin D3 is analog input and sample square wave signal from pin D4 can be connected to D3 pin.

  and flash the STM8S module with  STLINK V2 

- Android version higher than 4.4 tablet or phone

- Android application: 

Monday, 23 September 2019

BLE wireless motion sensor for surveillance camera

BLE wireless surveillance camera with Android smartphone

If you own Android smartphone with Bluetooth 4.0 and Android version min. 4.4(KitKat), you can easily change it to surveillance or hunting camera. 
   Just make PIR sensor(HC-SR501), BLE module (JDY-08) and STM8S103 microcontroller based   wireless movement detector .
This could be done easily without STM8S microcontroller using another BLE module with embedded IDE to develope software to communicate to Android application.

Bluetooth Low Energy  wireless motion sensor

Low power motion sensor consumes about 0,5 mA  on active BLE connection sleep mode. But it consumes 9 mA in active connection state, when motion is detected.

Prototype hardware looks like this:

Android applications(2 pcs)

I have developed 2 Android applications one to handle  BLE link to motion sensor and another to handle camera features (based to Open Camera app).
BLE link application has the feature of proximity screen off to reduce power consumption to typically 30 mA.  It also launches , controls and stops camera application.

Camera application has the main features of Open Camera and allows good quality video and still images.

Sample still image:

Files to download:

STM8S workspace:

Android applications:
BLE Camera application interface to BLE PIR sensor HW,that launhes on motion detected BLE Remote Camera

BLE Remote Camera application is Open Camera based app with remote BLE interface

Monday, 7 January 2019

DIY STM8S103 BLE Solar Fridge controller PCB

 Low Energy Solar Fridge controller DIY

My target was to make very cheap and  very low energy  refridgerator controller to 12V solar system. Low energy fridge can be implemented with container type freezer with AC power and inverter (1000W) to be controlled by designed controller.

Schematic diagram and PCB

 Circuit diagram and printed circuit board was made with KiCad developement tool.
Main components of the controller are STM8S103 (module or IC), BLE module JDY-08 and
LCD display 16x2 lines.

Printed circuit board as KiCad 3D:

STM8S103  program was developed with ST Visual Studio Developer and COSMIC STM8 C-compiler.

3D printed case

3D printed cover using PLA filament:

Android application

Android application developed with Android Studio. Android phone can be used to adjust temperature setting, control inverter and display temperature / battery voltage information.

Link to design files: