BluePill (STM32) BLE oscilloscope
Bluetooth Low Energy wireless interface can be used to transfer measurement data to Android smartphone. My simple digital oscilloscope is done with
STM32F103C8T6 Core Board Development Board Bluepill
and Bluetooth low energy module HM-10 :
Designed also PCB in Kicad and was able to show these 3D images:
Kicad project is included in GitHub repository:
Repository also includes STM32 CubeIDE project and Android apk.
Repository also includes STM32 CubeIDE project and Android apk.
Implemented hardware and 3D printed cover like this:
STM32 firmware was developed in Linux Mint PC with STM32 CubeIDE developement application and interface was ST Link V2:
Features include:
- AUTO triggering
- Single trigger
- START trigger rising/falling trigger level setting on channel 1
- 2 channel 1000 samples with period setting from 0.5us to 15ms (2MSps to 16.7 Sps).
- AC/DC select
- sine/triangle wave generator
- Max/Min / trigger Voltage display
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