STM8S Bluetooth Low Energy oscilloscope
Simple and cheap DIY oscilloscope can be done with STM8S103 module and HM-10 Bluetooth Low Energy module using Android smartphone as display.
STM8S103 module:
JDY-08 BLE module need HM-10 version 709 firmware and set up to 9600 baud UART mode.
Firmware can be programmed to with TI CC debugger.
More info ,how to do:
Oscilloscope schematic drawn with Kicad:
STM8S firmware was developed using ST Microelectronics Visual Studio (Windows) using free license COSMIC compiler and ST Link V2 for program and debug interface.
This 1 channel 200 kS / 5 us oscilloscope is battery powered (usb charging).
Including following features:
- 1 channel 5us ... 5ms period 240 samples
- max , min voltage display
- AUTO / SINGLE trigger
- AC/DC select
- LV / HV (high voltage 400V probe needed) attenuator select
- sine wave generator
- rising/falling trigger
- Automatic power off
Hardware prototype with 3D printed custom covers:
Android application was developed with Android Studio.
Here are some screen captures about application:
Project files for Kicad , ST Visual Studio and Android app can be downloaded from:
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