
NRF51822 BLE battery voltage logger

NRF51822 Bluetooth Low Energy module is simple solution to log 12V battery voltage and display voltage values in 0.96 inch color tft display. Information can be transferred with BLE interface to Android smartphone. BLE module: 64k Color IPS 0.96 inch 80x160 TFT display module with ST7735 driver and SPI interface:   With KiCad I edited schematic diagram and printed circuit board for this battery voltage logger: KiCad printed circuit board design supports 3D model show, if exists component/module 3D model in KiCad 3D library (.wrl/.step). I designed also printed circuit board, but did not order prototypes. 3D images of design: NRF51822 software was developed using Arduino IDE with NRF51 library package by Sandeep Mistry:   First thing is to program S130 softdevice (BLE firmware to NRF51822). I used ST Link V2 for programming NRF51. In addition I had to edit low power and real time clock features replacing 0.7.0 directory versio...

STM8S Car 12V Battery Charger Voltage Logging

  Car 12V  Battery smart charger voltage logging is useful, when you want to know charged capacity and battery state of charge. Connecting this wireless logger to 12 V battery can also check real battery voltage during start, off and driving. Battery connected on 12V Smart Charger (3A , 0.8 A , 0.1A): Hardware was done with STM8S103 module and HM-10 Bluetooth Low Energy module. Charger logger schematic diagram done with KiCad: Also KiCad design files are included. KiCad 3D images shown here (did not order PCB): Prototype images including 3D printed covers: STM8S module firmware was developed with ST Visual Studio and COSMIC C compiler. Debugging interface was ST Link V2. Android apk was developed with Android Studio. Application displays battery voltage (current,maximum,minimum) and logged battery voltage (intervals: 1 second, 1 minute, 6 minutes ): KiCad project , ST Visual Studio Project and Android apk can be downloaded from GitHub:

Bluetooth Low Energy 12V Car Battery Voltage Logger

  If you are unsure about your car battery and charger capacity, you can use this diy battery logger in 12V plugin connector to measure it. For this logger I used STM8S103 module and HM-10 Bluetooth Low Energy module and Android Smartphone as displaying device. STM8S103 bluepill module: HM-10 BLE module Android application screenshot: Hardware schematic diagram drawn with KiCad: STM8S103 Firmware was developed with ST Visual Studio with COSMIC C compiler in Windows PC.  ST Link V2 as programming /debugging interface. Kicad 3D images of project hardware: And actual prototype images: Android application screenshots of battery voltage logging: Project files  for KiCad , ST Visual Studio and Android apk to download:

STM8S Bluetooth Low Energy oscilloscope

Simple and cheap DIY oscilloscope can be done with STM8S103 module and HM-10 Bluetooth Low Energy module using Android smartphone as display.    STM8S103 module: JDY-08 BLE module need HM-10 version 709 firmware and set up to 9600 baud UART mode. Firmware can be programmed to  with TI CC debugger. More info ,how to do: Oscilloscope schematic drawn with Kicad: STM8S  firmware was developed using ST Microelectronics Visual Studio (Windows) using free license COSMIC compiler and ST Link V2 for program and debug interface. This 1 channel 200 kS / 5 us oscilloscope    is battery powered (usb charging). Including following features:   - 1 channel 5us ... 5ms period 240 samples   - max , min voltage display   - AUTO / SINGLE  trigger   - AC/DC select   - LV / HV (high voltage 400V probe needed) attenuator select   - sine ...

BluePill (STM32) BLE oscilloscope

  Bluetooth Low Energy wireless interface can be used to transfer measurement data to Android smartphone.  My simple digital oscilloscope is done with    STM32F103C8T6 Core Board Development Board Bluepill and Bluetooth low energy module  HM-10 : Kicad drawn schematic diagram for this bluetooth low energy oscilloscope : Designed also PCB in Kicad and was able to show these 3D images: Kicad project is included in GitHub repository: Repository also includes  STM32 CubeIDE project  and  Android  apk. Implemented hardware and 3D printed cover like this: STM32 firmware was developed in Linux Mint PC with STM32 CubeIDE developement application and interface was ST Link V2: Android application was developed with Android Studio. Some screen captures of Android application: Features include: - AUTO triggering - Single trigger - START trigger rising/falling trigger level setting on channel 1 - 2 channel 1000 s...